When it comes to the human wellness experience, Dr. Angie says, “My passion is to provide healing through an integrative approach to keep patients healthy and youthful. Most people spend the latter years of life dealing with chronic disease. My mission is to bring healing and improve the quality of life for those individuals looking to stay fit and healthy, through use of nutrition, fitness, and bio-identical hormone therapy.”
Dr. Angie’s own personal journey fueled her desire to help patients. In 2014 she switched to whole food a plant-based lifestyle and adopted regular fitness into her life. She had previously suffered from health problems such as severe eczema, elevated cholesterol, fatigue, and was overweight. She started eating a whole food plant-based diet, and transformed her health and body in a short time span. This allowed her to completely restore her health and even compete and place in a fitness competition. “It was crazy to look at myself in the mirror and look like a fitness competitor, rather than a typical overweight physician. For this reason, I decided to share my success method with my patients.”