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Weight Loss

Obesity is a complex disease, with a complex interplay between genetics, nutrition, hormones, stress, exercise, and various other factors that make treating obesity complex. There is NO one size fits all approach for weight loss, but the most important thing is to engage in a sustainable weight loss program rather than choosing restrictive diets or detox programs that aren't sustainable. Here are some ways we can help you lose weight:

Weight Loss Medications

We offer unique evidence-based weight loss program that utilizes the latest groundbreaking weight loss medications in combination with guideline directed nutrition and lifestyle changes. The weight loss medication that is right for you will depend on a variety of factors, including your past medical history, and your weight loss goals and preferences.

What to Expect:

  • Step 1: Evaluation and Assesment 
  • Step 2: Follow Up and Medication Initiation
  • Step 3: Dose Titration
  • Step 4: Weight Maintenance

At your first appointment, our provider will complete a thorough and comprehensive evaluation of your past medical history, which may require ordering blood work or other diagnostic tests.

After your comprehensive evaluation, at your next follow up appointment, our provider will discuss your test results, and explain which weight loss medications may be right for you, depending on your medical history, goals and preferences.

If you are started on GLP-1 medical therapy (Ozempic or Wegovy), or GLP-1/GIP medical therapy (Mounjaro) you will have an appointment (virtual or in office) with our provider every 4 weeks during dose titration.

These weekly injectable weight loss medications are the most effective medications for weight loss in history. They are safe and effective when used appropriately and when patients are monitored accordingly.

The medications are started at the lowest introduction dose, and the dose is increased every 4 weeks, until the patient reaches their goal dose.

Every 4 weeks at your appointment with our provider, you will review your current weight loss progress, as well as any side effects or concerns you have about your medication. Depending on your individual progress and tolerance to the medication, your dose may be adjusted accordingly (reduced, kept the same, or increased) to help optimize your success, while minimizing side effects

Once you have reached your goal dose of weight loss medication, appointment intervals may be spaced out every 3 months, but this will depend on your personal medical history and needs.